Star KIC 8462852 was thought to be a star encased in a Dyson Sphere because of its periodic dimming. But then NASA scientists said the dimming is just an orbiting cloud of dust because the light spectrum did not dim equally. That is a strange conclusion. Aliens smart enough to encase a star but not smart enough to filter the light they want to capture?
We need to know if they are here!
We have a Beta Copy of the Not From Earth App The App is scheduled for release in March of 2019. NFE claims to detect alien visitors using advanced AI and image recognition. It then unmasks the alien, providing a glimpse of their appearance using style transfer effects. The App includes hundreds of free Alien Transfer Effects or ATEs.
The coders have managed to combine Style Transfer Effects with Depth Masks.
"It's Important to see the Aliens on their own planets," said the product manager Nikola Tesla III. "We are wrapping up a galaxy browser for connecting aliens with their home planets."
Best Camera did a review on all the top Camera Apps and none of them had this cool style transfer and depth mask combination technology.
The developers are busy training the image recognition and style transfer models. So far the App is easy and fun to use. Just snapshot individuals or even crowds and NFE will find the Alien and zoom in. Social sharing is included so you can warn others of discovered aliens walking among us. If everyone with a cell phone has this App, we have a fighting chance.
"Best Pickup App Ever!" according to a beta tester in Santa Monica who went alien hunting on the beach with the App.
More to come on this unique solution to Earth's invasion. Check back here for release notice.
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