Sunday, January 13, 2019

Obnoxious IOS Settings to Turn OFF

Quick Guide for Pain Relief

1. Settings-> Privacy->Advertising (Off to Limit Ad Tracking and stop Apple from tracking you)

2. Settings->Privacy->Analytics->Share iPhone Analytics. (Why share everything you do?)

3. Settings->Privacy->Loation Services->System Services->Location Based Apple Ads (Disable this stupid option unless you want more Ads)

4. Settings->Privacy->Location Services->Product Improvements (Disable all unless you want your info shared)

5. Settings->Itunes & App Store->In-App & Reviews (Disable to Stop Apps from constantly asking you to review them with Pop-Ups..Ahhh)

6. Settings->Itunes & App Store->Video Autoplay (Disable to prevents App Vids from auto-starting when browsing the App Store)

BONUS: These will also reduce your battery usage

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