Saturday, September 30, 2017

Robotics as a Service

Cloud-based software will manage the skills, cognitive capabilities and support for the coming robotic age. Robotics as a service (RaaS) will create a demand for skilled programmers that understand this technology. Robots will be everywhere. Eyes in the sky and on the ground. 

Some of the best camera apps will be on Robots. Checkout IBM Bluemix with Watson and Cloudant, a cloud based database. Developers are building SaaS and RaaS in Swift and Kitura, a web framework. IBM Watson

"Representative companies employing a RaaS business model include PrecisionHawk (drone-based surveying for agriculture), Knightscope (robots for security and surveillance), Aethon (mobile robots for healthcare logistics), InTouch Health (mobile robotic telepresence), and Liquid Robotics (unmanned underwater vehicles."

1 comment: said...

Nice article and I felt very happy after read this content

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